Outpatient / Aftercare

Holistic Intensive Outpatient Addiction Treatment

Two Dreams is ideal for adults on the Outer Banks (18+ years old) struggling with substance abuse, addictive behavior, and mental disorders. We recommend our outpatient treatment program to clients who want to speak with an addiction specialist on a regular basis in order to cultivate the skills needed for living a holistically healthy lifestyle.

Frequently Asked Questions

Many questions arise when seeking treatment for drug and alcohol abuse and addiction, and the other co-occurring conditions we treat.

Some of the most common questions we hear from our clients and their families are as follows.If you have any other questions, contact us to speak to our caring staff.

We are not a detoxification clinic, meaning that we do not manage medical issues related to the withdrawal drugs or alcohol, but we are happy to refer clients out for detox before they officially begin our program. Individuals may be admitted into treatment when there is a qualified diagnosis of need.

Pre-admission assessment screening will be conducted to gauge appropriateness for treatment services and to prepare the staff for the course of treatment.

The Two Dreams outpatient program is a professionally directed assessment, diagnosis, treatment and recovery service provided in organized non-residential treatment setting. Services are individualized for each client and may include individual/group/family counseling and psycho-education on recovery, as well as urine drug monitoring, medication management, medical and psychiatric examinations, crisis mitigation coverage and orientation to community-based support groups.

The Two Dreams outpatient program implements individual-specific activities that may emphasize the following: reduction in use and abuse of substances and/or continued abstinence by use of relapse prevention and urine drug monitoring; understanding of the disease of addiction through psycho-educational groups; development of social support network by utilizing outside support groups and implementing mandatory meetings; educational skills and achieving continued education; vocational skills and job/career related activities; working without substance use hindering employment; continued work on social and interpersonal skills by utilizing group and individual therapy; effective communication and improved relationships through family therapy; the adverse effects of substance use; continued commitment to recovery and maintenance program through compliance and willingness to be in the program.

Services may be offered during the day, before or after work or school, and/or in the evening. Adult clients usually attend therapeutic services for 9 hours per week, spread over the course of three days. Children/adolescents usually attend therapeutic services for 6 hours per week, spread over at least three days.

There is always at least one licensed mental health professional (LMHP) on-site when clinical services are being provided. LMHP caseloads never exceed 1:25 active clients, and the ratio is usually closer to 1:3 active clients. A physician is on site as needed for the management of psychiatric and medical needs, and is on-call 24 hours per day, seven days per week. There is also a clinical supervisor on call at all times, and on-site at least 10 hours a week.

The cost varies between clients so it is difficult to give an estimate without gathering more personal information. Insurance coverage varies by company and we are able to give various amounts of aid based on need. Our experienced financial counselor will help you navigate the payment process to determine your coverage and out-of-pocket expenses. We are here to advocate on your behalf to the insurance companies and make the process as stress-free as possible.

Privacy is a top priority at Two Dreams. Clients decide whether or not any information about their treatment and/or progress may be shared with relatives or referring physicians. We never disclose personal confidential information without the client’s written, documented consent.

What makes Two Dreams unique?

We believe in individualized drug addiction care here at Two Dreams.

Our comprehensive treatment model sets us apart from other programs in that we consider each individual holistically. In order to ensure that all areas of life are examined, we use a “3-7-3 Model” composed of Three Phases, Seven Dimensions, and Three Outcomes. This all-encompassing plan helps clients gain insight into the pervasive nature of addiction and decreases the likelihood of relapse.

Learn more about our unique “3-7-3 Model” approach to treatment.

Call us at (708) 613-4750

or message us below and one of our caring counselors will reach out to you.

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